
The Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities is committed to offering events, programs, and training that support and provide value to our community. Check out the calendar for timely and valuable information about these important opportunities. 

March 2025

Update: Changes for 2025

Portage DD will resume charging fees for Background Checks and certain training classes. 

These services and classes are available to persons residing in Portage County or identified by a SSA as a person selected for services or to Independent or Agency providers actively providing DODD services to individuals in Portage.

Effective January 1, 2025

Background Checks:

BCI $25.00

BCI and FBI  $50.00

Independent providers – cash only accepted in the EXACT amount (no change given)

Agency providers- cash in the exact amount, check made payable to Portage DD or invoice accepted (please note name of person and email address of where invoice is to be sent)  Must provide agency name, address, phone, contact person at agency for Background Check to be completed

Appointment required by contacting Kim Holbert at (330) 296-2839 or

Effective March 1, 2025

First Aid/CPR/AED

In person class:    FA/CPR/AED  $40.00

                                    FA Only            $20.00

                                    CPR Only         $20.00

                                    BLS $40.00

Skills Check to accompany online class taken at cost:

                                   FA/CPR/AED   $25.00

                                   FA Only            $10.00

                                   CPR Only         $15.00

Independent providers – cash only accepted in the EXACT amount (no change given)

Agency providers- cash in the exact amount, check made payable to Portage DD or invoice accepted (please note name of person and email address of where invoice is to be sent) No refunds given, only credit towards another class.

Registration required by contacting Kim Holbert at (330) 296-2839 or 

Medication Administration


Cert 1 $125.00

Cert 2 $50.00

Cert 3 $50.00


Cert 1 $25.00

Cert 2 $25.00

Cert 3 $25.00

Independent providers – cash only accepted in the EXACT amount (no change given)

Agency providers- cash in the exact amount, check made payable to Portage DD or invoice accepted (please note name of person and email address of where invoice is to be sent) No refunds given, only credit towards another class.

Registration required by contacting Kim Holbert at (330) 296-2839 or 

For Agency Providers: Application for personnel to attend the DODD medication administration (MA) certification course must be completed and submitted prior to enrollment

Swimming Classes

We are excited to open our doors to our community and offer a variety of swimming opportunities in our shallow water pool! All the following classes are FREE and open to persons served and/or eligible for services with Portage DD.

A lifeguard is always on duty and locker rooms will be open 30 minutes before and after all event times for changing purposes.

A guardian or other approved adult must always accompany each swimmer.

MONDAYS: Swim Lessons 5:00PM – 5:50PM

Structured swim lessons intended for beginner/intermediate swimmers

Swim Lessons run on a 6-week cycle

Each cycle is limited to 6 sign-ups

MONDAYS: Adaptive Splash 6:00PM – 7:30PM

This is a more intimate, calm, open swim group for kids and adults that may not be

able/comfortable swimming in bigger group settings.

TUESDAYS: Family Swim 6:00PM – 7:30PM

Open swim time for eligible persons served and their families

Limit of 8 persons served per class

Each person served can bring up to 3 additional family members

WEDNESDAYS: Water Play with Parents 6:00PM – 6:50PM

Open swim/play time for infants, toddlers and their parents or guardians

Limit of 8 sign-ups per class

WEDNESDAYS: Swim Lessons 7:00PM – 7:50PM

Structured swim lessons intended for beginner/intermediate swimmers

Swim Lessons run on a 6-week cycle

Each cycle is limited to 6 sign-ups

THURSDAYS: Family Swim 6:00PM – 7:30PM

Open swim time for eligible persons served and their families

Limit of 8 persons served per class

Each person served can bring up to 3 additional family members

How to Sign Up:

1. Call the office: 330-678-2400 Or email: with your interest

2. During registration, it will need to be confirmed that the participant signing up is

currently receiving services or is eligible for services with Portage DD

3. Review and sign a copy of our Program Procedures

4. Sign up for whichever available dates you would like

5. Come and enjoy the pool!


Ever thought about being a Direct Service Professional? DSP-U is a career training program for Portage County incoming senior high school students. DSP-U gives you the tools you need to begin working as a DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL, a job where you'll make a big difference every day! This program is brought to you FREE of CHARGE by Portage DD.

Are you a student interested in the program, or a school who wants to talk about bringing DSP-U to your campus? Contact Katrina Kohout at today!

American Heart Association First Aid/CPR/AED Blended Learning Course

Instructions for online course option:

  1. Go to the American Heart Association website and take the online course (at your expense).

  2. Print the Certificate of Completion.

  3. Contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839 to schedule the in-person, hands-on skills assessment with a certified Instructor.

  4. A copy of the Certificate of Completion and valid identification must be presented at the time of the skills assessment. The online course and skills assessment are required for a valid card to be issued.

MUI and Client Rights Training

Information: Open to all Portage DD Independent Providers and Agency provider staff.  Annual Major Unusual Incident (MUI) and Client Rights Training instructed by Portage DD Investigative Agents. This class will go through what an MUI is, local MUI statistics, classifications of MUIs, and the Bill of Rights for people with Developmental Disabilities.
Location: Happy Day Building (2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266) Please go to Door 1 Registration: For more information or to register for the class, please contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839.

CPR / First Aid / AED Classes

Information: Classes available to providers actively serving persons in Portage County or in process of being certified (person must have a Portage County address or be identified by a SSA as a person selected for services). Class size is limited and advanced registration is REQUIRED. Please note applicable fees listed at the top of this page. Participants must present valid identification on the day of the class.   
Location: Happy Day Building (2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266) Please go to Door 1 Registration: For more information or to register for the class, please contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839.

Annual Provider Training

Information: Successful completion of this training fulfills the 8 hours of Annual Training for Independent Providers to maintain certification.  Topics covered include OADSP Overview, Staying connected with DODD, Tenets of Person-Centered Planning,  Review of Charting the LifeCourse Tools, Empathy-Based Care, Ohio ISP, Positive Behavior Supports, Valued Roles,  Community Integration, Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy, Supporting People with Dual Diagnoses, Supporting Mental Health, Supporting the Grieving Process, Bill of Rights for People with Developmental Disabilities, NADSP’s Code of Ethics, The DSPs role in supporting Health and Safety, Review of UI & MUI Incidents and reporting requirements,  and Health And Welfare Alerts. 
Classes are available to current Portage DD Independent Providers. Class size is limited, and advanced registration is REQUIRED.  Must present Driver’s License or Ohio Identification on day of class. 
Location: Happy Day Building (2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266) Please go to Door 1 Registration: For more information or to register for the class, please contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839.

Frontline Supervisor Training

Information The DSPATHS Frontline Supervisor Classes are a course of study that focuses on developing the knowledge and skills of the new, seasoned or potential frontline supervisor. You are not required to take all the courses and can chose the topics that are of interest to you. See calendar for dates, time and topic. Each class (module) is three (3) hours in length. Class size is limited and advanced registration is REQUIRED.
Location: Happy Day Building (2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266) Please go to Door 1 Registration: For more information or to register for the class, please contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839.

Cert 1 Initial: Medication Administration and Health Related Activities

Information: Direct support professionals, or DSPs, require special certification to administer most medications and treatments. Once certification is earned, it must be renewed annually. Certification is issued by DODD. Category 1 certification allows personnel to administer oral, topical, and inhaled medications, as well as 13 health-related activities if they have been prescribed for a person. Classes are available to current Portage DD Providers. Please note applicable fees listed at the top of this page. Class size is limited and advanced registration is REQUIRED.   
Location: Happy Day Building (2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266) Please go to Door 1 Registration: For more information or to register for the class, please contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839.

Cert 1 Renewal:  Medication Administration and Health Related Activities

Information: Direct support professionals, or DSPs, require special certification to administer most medications and treatments. Once certification is earned, it must be renewed annually. Certification is issued by DODD. Category 1 certification allows personnel to administer oral, topical, and inhaled medications, as well as 13 health-related activities if they have been prescribed for a person. Classes are available to current Portage DD Providers. Please note applicable fees listed at the top of this page.Class size is limited and advanced registration is REQUIRED.    


Cert 2 Initial:  Administration of Food and Medication by Gastronomy or Jejunostomy Tubes per Nursing Delegation

Information: Category 2 certification allows personnel to administer medications through a Gastrostomy or Jejunostomy (G/J) tube if the DSP has been delegated to do so by a nurse. This certification is in addition to Category 1. Classes are available to current Portage DD Providers. Please note applicable fees listed at the top of this page. Class size is limited and advanced registration is REQUIRED.    
Location: Happy Day Building (2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266) Please go to Door 1 Registration: For more information or to register for the class, please contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839.

Cert 2 Renewal:  Administration of Food and Medication by Gastronomy or Jejunostomy Tubes per Nursing Delegation

Information: Category 2 certification allows personnel to administer medications through a Gastrostomy or Jejunostomy (G/J) tube if the DSP has been delegated to do so by a nurse. This certification is in addition to Category 1. Classes are available to current Portage DD Providers. Please note applicable fees listed at the top of this page. Class size is limited and advanced registration is REQUIRED.    
Location: Happy Day Building (2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266) Please go to Door 1 Registration: For more information or to register for the class, please contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839.

Cert 3 Initial:  Administration of Insulin and Injectable Treatments for Metabolic Glycemic Disorders per Nursing Delegation

Information: Category 3 certification allows personnel to administer insulin and injectable treatments for metabolic glycemic disorders if the DSP has been delegated to do so by a nurse. This certification is in addition to Category 1. Classes are available to current Portage DD Providers. Please note applicable fees listed at the top of this page. Class size is limited and advanced registration is REQUIRED.  
Location: Happy Day Building (2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266) Please go to Door 1 Registration: For more information or to register for the class, please contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839.

Cert 3 Renewal:  Administration of Insulin and Injectable Treatments for Metabolic Glycemic Disorders per Nursing Delegation

Information: Category 3 certification allows personnel to administer insulin and injectable treatments for metabolic glycemic disorders if the DSP has been delegated to do so by a nurse. This certification is in addition to Category 1. Classes are available to current Portage DD Providers. Please note applicable fees listed at the top of this page. Class size is limited and advanced registration is REQUIRED.  
Location: Happy Day Building (2500 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, OH 44266) Please go to Door 1 Registration: For more information or to register for the class, please contact Kim Holbert at or (330) 296-2839.

If you have any questions, please email Tim Torch.