#WorkingWednesday Ohio Youth Leadership Forum

Ohio Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) is a week-long career leadership training program, held during the summer, for 11th and 12th grade high school students with disabilities.

The Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council contracted with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) to host the Youth Leadership Forums. Together with the local Centers for Independent Living (CILs), they will be offering five Regional Youth Leadership Forums and one Statewide Virtual Youth Leadership Forum this summer for High School juniors and seniors interested in leadership and advocacy. 

Portage County is proud to recognize that two individuals from our area were selected for this program and even more amazingly, they are BROTHERS!

Here is what the Smolk Brothers had to say about this experience  

Q: How did you hear about this program?   We got a call last year from Mr. Tom Ballard.  We were referred to him by Ms. Tracy Fuldauer at OOD.  Because of covid the 4 day session was held online.

Q: Have you participated before? Yes.  August of 2021  

Q: What do you hope to gain from this program? We learned a lot.  What it means to be a leader in every part of our lives.  To always be searching for a better and smarter way to do things.    

Q: Are you participating in the regional or the state forum? Yesterday we were on a panel to address the leadership class of this year.  We answered their questions about our experiences.  

Q: Can you tell me about what it means to you to be a leader? Not being afraid to speak up when something could be better.  To take a potential idea and do research as to its pros and cons and decide how best to act  If it involves a group effort, we will find a following to help us make it come true or if detrimental to abolish or repeal the process.  

Q: What type of job do you want when you are older? I like working with animals.  But I also like people..  and especially helping people..   A job where I can accomplish a worthwhile goal..     

Q: What is the best advice you can offer to someone who wants to be a self-advocate? Never Give Up.  If you feel it is the right thing to do...keep at it.

Click here to read more about Youth Leadership Forum website.

Portage DD is working to create a team that will support your employment goals. If employment interests you, talk to your SSA. Your SSA can connect you to the resources that can help you assess your interests and skills, help you build skills, prepare for interviews, assist with your resume and employment paperwork, and help with on-the-job assistance.

Ready to begin your path to employment or hire your next best employee? Contact Tiffany Jones, Portage DD Community Employment Coordinator at tiffanyj@portagedd.org to get started.

Previous #WorkingWednesday Spotlights
John Atkinson
Sharon Parker
John Bingham
Donovan Laurenzi
Kevin Wilson
Michelle Reed

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Jim Folan
Mike Havel
Jenny Sly
Donny Shardy
Georgia Pollard
Eric Curry
Nena White
Jonathan Floyd
Julia Frantz
Ashley Wilson
Chris Dejanovitz
Justin Bloomquist
Kathy Wagar
Darlene Petty
Maria Bednarik
Rick Debolt
Kathy Montieth
Heather Montogomery
Amy Gage
Logan Cox
Earl Moton
Mason Marino
Dorien Kazadi
Josh Ebie
Adam Baldwin
Luci Carey
Roberta Ebie
Streetsboro Building Independence Program
Erik Whitted
Teddy Carlson
Nick Panzero
Carla Hamrick
Katherine Alvarez
Teddy Carlson (UPDATE)