Advocate Spotlight - Devon

This month we meet Devon D. Inspired by his attending Project S.T.I.R. (Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility) in April.  Devon is working on embracing more assertive communication – a powerful tool he now wields to confidently advocate for himself and others.

Using assertive communication advocates can:

  • Clearly and confidently express needs and goals.

  • Establish clear boundaries.

  • Find common ground and build stronger relationships.

  • Navigate disagreements constructively and build trust.


Devon's impact goes beyond personal growth. He's a passionate champion for self-advocacy, believing everyone deserves to understand their rights and navigate life on their own terms. His mission: To empower others to find their voice and become their own best advocates.

Here’s what we can learn from Devon:

  • Find Your Voice: Just like Devon, embrace self-advocacy and speak up for your needs.

  • Empowerment is a Marathon: Self-advocacy is a journey that unfolds throughout your life.

  • Stronger Together: Our voices are amplified when we work together.

  • Assertive Communication: Allows you to express your perspective while acknowledging the other person's point of view, which fosters mutual respect and understanding.

Just like Devon, don't wait for problems to arise. Take initiative and equip yourself with the skills you need to speak up for yourself and keep advocating!