Message From The Superintendent - Auction of St Rt 88 Building


I hope everyone will have a great summer.  I felt it was important to share with everyone the results of the auction of our State Route 88 building.  The auction was held at the Ravenna Courthouse steps on June 17th at 11 am and Portage Industries, Inc., who had been leasing our building the last two years, was the only bidder.  The County Commissioners had their weekly meeting on Thursday, June 18th, and accepted their bid.   Once the transaction is finalized, Portage DD will no longer own the building.  This transaction should be finalized in the next few weeks. 

Portage DD has been fortunate to own the building for the last 40 years.  Portage DD has a lot of great memories from the staff and individuals that have walked through those doors.  The purpose of the building, when it was built, was to assist our individuals in having a meaningful place to go during the day.  We also strived to assist the induvial in making choices and working towards community employment amongst many other things.  For this reason, we are very happy the building will continue to serve these purposes for the individuals of Portage County.

I wanted to make sure and say how appreciative we are of the tremendous staff and the amazing individuals who made that building such a special place.  Thank you to all of you for creating those wonderful memories!   Portage Industries, Inc. will continue to create them now. 

Congratulations to Phil Miller and Portage Industries, Inc.   We wish you and the individuals the best and know this will continue to be a special place for them!


John Vennetti, Superintendent