NOTICE: Board Meeting (Wednesday, August 19, 2020)

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to ensure the safety of our staff, providers, individuals served, and families, members of the community will be prohibited from physically attending the August Regular Meeting of the Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities on Wednesday, August 19, 2020. At this time, Portage DD has opted to broadcast this meeting via ZOOM.

Physical attendance for this meeting will be restricted to members of the Board, and a limited number of Portage DD staff (at the discretion of the Superintendent). The period for a request for public comment has already passed for the month of June, with no request having been received.

The meeting will be held on the ZOOM platform

To access the August 19, 2020 meeting click the below link or phone number. You will be able to join the meeting up to 30 minutes prior to it starting.

Meeting ID: 954 9043 4969
Password: 412020
One tap mobile

+13126266799,,95490434969# US (Chicago)

+16465588656,,95490434969# US (New York)