Message From The Superintendent

Good Afternoon:

I hope that all of you are doing well.   As many of you know, Portage DD has most of our staff working remotely. For us, remote working has been in place since mid-March due to Governor DeWine’s stay-at-home order. On April 27th, Governor DeWine held a press conference encouraging people to continue working remotely, if possible.  Per Governor DeWine’s request, we are continuing to do a variety of remote working and working at the office.  At this point, most of the staff will continue to work remotely until at least June 1st.

Secondly, our buildings will be open each week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Additionally, our offices will be closed each week on Monday and Friday. On Mondays and Fridays our staff will be working remotely. Please understand, we are still serving the community on days the buildings are closed.  Portage DD operations will continue day to day operations while working remotely. It is important we remain open to support you. Our staff will continue to be available via phone and email. Also, staff members can hold virtual meetings via Zoom.  Make sure to check for resource updates on our website and social media. When the buildings are open and a visitor does need to come in, Portage DD will continue best practices and only allow visitors into the building once they are screened.

The final update I would like to share is that we are fixing the roof at Happy Day School.  This project will start May 11th and continue through Mid-July. 

These are challenging times, but we remain committed to continue supporting the community.  We are just supporting you in different ways.  Right now, we can’t have face to face visits like we are accustomed, but we will continue doing out best to make sure your needs are met.  This will pass and better days are ahead. 

Stay safe and stay strong!  We will get through this together!


John Vennetti, Superintendent