Provider Spotlight - Buckeye Residential Solutions

Agency Name:  Buckeye Residential Solutions

How long have you been in business? 8 years

What services do you provide? Residential care, day habilitation & NMT transportation services

What areas of Portage County do you serve? Able to provide services throughout the county 

For day program, address of building: Currently at 422 West Highland Ave. Ravenna. Intending to apply soon for transition in near future to 126 E. Main St. Ravenna (building recently purchased and undergoing renovation)

Contact information for persons interested in services: Chad Konkle (; 330-221-8842)

What community activities do you provide/participate in? Several, including:  (1) participate in Ravenna Chamber of Commerce sponsored events & activities; (2) participate in "Raven Packs" events & volunteering; (3) participate in Kiwanis Club of Ravenna events & activities; (4) sponsor adult softball and various youth teams in Ravenna Parks & Recreation leagues; (5) work with Ravenna school system to sponsor Future Business Professionals of America events and; (6) Sponsor events in "Main Street Ravenna" program.

Do you offer classes open to other providers/community members (for example, First Aid/CPR, Medication Administration Certification)? No

Are you hiring? Yes

What types of positions are available? Primarily residential care staff associates

Contact information if interested in employment with agency: Rita Battaglia, Chief Human Resources & Talent Officer (; 330-608-6941)


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