Message From The Superintendent - September 2020


I hope this message finds you well! Here is your September update.

I want to start by sharing our approach to remote working. Not all staff members can work remotely and meet the needs of the community. At this time, we have our staff at the school, bus garage, maintenance, and school support staff, and certain management staff scheduled to work in our buildings. Portage DD’s Developmental Specialists and Service and Support Administrators will continue to primarily work remotely. We appreciate all of the flexibility our staff has shown, and I wish everyone could work remotely, but we are focused on the community’s needs. As we all continue pushing forward through the pandemic, it doesn’t appear things will be changing anytime soon, and we are projecting this setup to continue through the end of the year. We have faith in all the staff to continue that mission, whether they are here in the buildings or not.  

On the staff front, Portage DD has recruited and interviewed for the vacant SSA Supervisor job. We will announce the new SSA Supervisor with everyone soon. We have also completed the recruitment for the vacant Service and Support Administrator position and will be scheduling interviews for this position shortly.  

Several maintenance projects have come to a close over the summer. The internal wiring to the Dennis Coble Building is complete, and we will look at completing some wiring upgrades at Happy Day next. These wiring upgrades will allow the agency to better utilize technology now and in the near future. The roof at Happy Day school is now complete and the maintenance department continues to improve the interior and exterior of the buildings. Our Maintenance Department has worked hard this summer. We can’t thank them enough for their dedication.  

As the summer draws to an end, we now turn our eye towards the school year. All levels of the agency have been busy planning for the reopening of Happy Day School. The most current version of the reopening plan can be found on the website. Currently, school staff will spend the days before school opens training on keeping themselves and the students safe. Sept 3rd will be the first day of school for students. We are confident our parents, students, and staff will work together collectively to keep everyone safe. We know there will be challenges, but we will adapt.

As the pandemic continues, Portage DD has continued to stay in touch with local officials and follow new guidelines as they become available. We have frequently talked with the local health department and EMA (Emergency Management Agency) to figure out the best practices and will speak with the Health Department at least once a week. Additionally, Robert Walker from the Health Department trained our staff on how to wear, take off, and preserve the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). We are very fortunate to have a very experienced, caring, and professional staff who will ensure that we do everything possible to keep everyone safe. 

Thank you again for your support. We will get through this together! Portage DD will continue to be available via phone, email, and virtual meeting (ZOOM or TEAMS) as we navigate these unique times together. Portage DD will continue to strive to meet and exceed your expectations. 



John Vennetti