#WorkingWednesday with Georgia Pollard

Name:  Georgia Pollard

Employer: McDonald’s

How long have you worked here? 27 years!

Georgia Pollard, 62 has decided to retire after 27 years of service at McDonald’s in Garrettsville.  Georgia spoke fondly of her time there. Being a local working in her small town she got to know all the regulars, as we spoke outside, she saw and was recognized by many who happily shouted out, “Hi Georgia!!”

Georgia who worked in the lobby of McDonald’s, typically worked on Friday and Saturday mornings. When asked what she did she rattled of a long list “filling condiments, cleaning bathrooms,  wiping down tables,”  she even did dishes if they needed her help. 

Georgia had even more fond memories of her time there as she shared that she had met her husband while working there!  He hadn’t worked there for very long, but we agreed it was long enough to land himself a wife!

Georgia shared her plans for retirement include :

Spending time at CADS a senior program run by Coleman Adult Services, gardening, watching wrestling with her friend and staff, Abby, playing on her tablet and taking care of her beloved cat.

When asked what she will miss most about her jobs, she smiled and said “the food” referring to her free meal she got each shift.

Portage DD is working to create a team that will support your employment goals. If employment interests you, talk to your SSA. Your SSA can connect you to the resources that can help you assess your interests and skills, help you build skills, prepare for interviews, assist with your resume and employment paperwork, and help with on-the-job assistance.

Ready to begin your path to employment or hire your next best employee? Contact Portage DD to get started.

Previous #WorkingWednesday Spotlights
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Sharon Parker
John Bingham
Donovan Laurenzi
Kevin Wilson
Michelle Reed

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Working WednesdayTimothy Torch