Portage DD Sale of Real Estate - Auction

A public auction will be conducted by the Portage County Sheriff’s office on the outside front steps of the Portage County Courthouse, 203 W. Main Street, Ravenna, OH at 11:00 a.m. E.S.T. on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 for the purpose of selling the following parcels of real estate and their contents located in Ravenna City (known as 7008 St. Rt. 88) to the highest bidder.

31-212-00-00-020-002 (approximately 7 acres)
31-212-00-00-020-004 (approximately 3.58 acres)

The Portage County Board of Commissioners has set the minimum bid at Five hundred, thousand dollars ($500,000.00) and that a Medicaid Certified DODD provider will be preferred and be a factor in determining the highest responsible bid. The Board of Commissioners also reserves the right to have an easement on a portion of the property to be designated by the Board.

At the conclusion of the public auction the official conducting the auction will write on a pre-printed form the highest offered bid by each respective party bidding, that party's contact information, whether such party is a Medicaid Certified DODD provider and have each respective party sign such form.

The Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Developmental Disabilities shall provide no warranties of any kind or nature whatsoever and the highest responsible bidder shall execute a purchase and sale agreement prepared on behalf of the Portage County Commissioners. The said agreement shall include such terms but not limited to the buyer taking title to the real property "AS IS" via a quit claim deed, buyer shall indemnify, hold harmless and release the Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Developmental Disabilities and both Board's respective officers, directors, employees and agents from any and all liability of any kind, as well as other essential terms as determined by the Board of Commissioners including designating an escrow agent, all closing cost payable by the buyer and with the closing of the purchase to occur within 30 days of the Board of Commissioners determining the highest responsible bidder, unless extended by mutual agreement.

The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids in accordance with law.


Amy Hutchinson, Clerk


As previously advertised, a public auction is to be conducted by the Portage County Sheriff’s Office on the outside front steps of the Portage County Courthouse, 203 W.Main St. Ravenna Ohio, at 11:00 a.m., E.S.T. Wednesday, June 17, 2020 for the purpose of selling the following parcels of real estate and their contents located in Ravenna City (known as 7008 STRT 88) to the highest and responsible bidder, with a factor for such determination being a Medicaid Certified DODD provider preferred.

31-212-00-00-020 (approximately 7 acres)
31-212-00-00-020-004 (approximately 3.58 acres)

Regarding a material term of the offered sale and transfer to the highest and responsible bidder, with bidding to commence from interested Medicaid Certified DODD providers, in addition to the amount bid will be the inclusion of the following deed restriction and condition:

Unless otherwise waived or the amount reduced by resolutions of the Board of County Commissioners and the Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities, if at any time from 2020 through the end of 2030the real property ceases to be used to provide services for the developmentally disabled then the Buyer(Grantee) shall pay to the Grantor (Seller) the original purchase price and an additional amount equal to 50% of the county auditor’s then current appraised value of the real property for the year in which Buyer (Grantee)ceases to use the real property to provide services for the developmentally disabled, or if the Buyer (Grantee) either leases the real property to a tenant that does not provide services for the developmentally disabled, or if the Buyer (Grantee)sells the real property to another party that does not provide services for the developmentally disabled. This deed restriction and condition for payment shall run with the land from 2020 through the end of 2030, unless otherwise waived or released by the Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Developmental Disabilities via board resolution.

The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids.