Message From The Superintendent - June 2020


I hope this message finds you well. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Portage DD understands we must make changes to better serve the individuals, families, and providers in Portage County. Better utilizing our facilities, updating our technology, and improving our outreach and services are key parts of our philosophy. One of my personal goals is to make sure I communicate what Portage DD is working on and  I plan on continuing these monthly messages to keep the community up to date on things happening with Portage DD.­­

The building formerly known as Portage Industries, on State Route 88, was auctioned on June 17th. Portage Industries, Inc. had the winning bid and we expect the process of selling the building to be completed by mid-July. As you may know, Portage Industries, Inc. has been leasing the building from us over the last two years. We are happy to know the building will continue to serve the population and community it was built for over 40 years ago. Congratulations Portage Industries, Inc.

As many of you know, the Portage DD staff has been working remotely. We have decided to continue having our staff primarily work remotely to keep them, and the individuals we serve, safe. We have decided to extend our remote working initiatives through at least the end of July.  Please keep in mind, this may be longer.   Unfortunately, the cases in Ohio have started to rise again and we believe this is the best way to keep our staff, individuals, and families safe.  The Portage DD offices will remain open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Our offices will not be open on Mondays and Fridays. Please understand, this does not mean we are not operating on Mondays and Fridays. We will continue to provide services on days the offices are closed. At this point, we are only allowing visitors into the building if they are screened and have essential work to be done in the building.

Updates continue happening at the Dennis M. Coble (DMC) building and Happy Day School. Last week the DMC building had some electrical work completed. Specifically, there was some outdated wiring replaced. We are now working on locating a company to move our IT area to the middle of the building. Additionally, the new fire alarm was inspected by the fire department and is working. At Happy Day School, work continues to install the new roof and we are expecting this project to be completed in late July. Internally, our maintenance staff has done an amazing job cleaning, painting, and restoring the building to its former glory. We have installed new carpet at the school and will replace parts of the carpet at the DMC building with the plan to eventually update the carpet in the entire building. Lastly, new signs have been installed at both buildings to match our logo change. Between the building updates and moving staff throughout both buildings, Portage DD has improved the safety of staff and visitors, given ourselves the ability to better utilize our facilities, and lessen staff congestion in all our workspaces.

Special Olympics practices are now allowed to start happening. There is still a 10-person limit and social distancing is required. The athletes are excited to start back again.

As we strive to improve external communications, Portage DD is working on sharing more information and updates to our social media and website. Tim Torch, Portage DD’s Communications / HR Specialist, is doing a great job keeping everyone updated. Specifically, Tim started the #StillAtWork posts updating everyone on essential workers in the Portage County community and he continues to share relevant information and articles

Finally, I want to thank you again for your continued support. We are fortunate to serve the individuals, families, and providers of Portage County. We do not take this privilege lightly. We will continue to be available via phone, email, and virtual meeting (ZOOM or TEAMS) as we navigate these unique times together.



John Vennetti