Message From The Superintendent - March 2022


We hope everyone is doing well! Here are the updates. 

Since our last update, we've had ZERO new positive COVID-19 cases in the DD community. I am thrilled to share this news and am optimistic that the numbers will stay low. To date, we've had three people die related to the virus and now have a total of 81 people that have tested positive due to the virus. Moving forward, we will still do in-person meetings, if necessary, but there will also be virtual meetings available. Our goal is to keep our staff, the people we serve, and community members safe.

I wanted to update everyone on the possibility of transitioning out of school services. Our board has not taken action, but we have been doing everything we can to open the lines of communication to everyone potentially impacted by this news. Families and local schools have taken the information well. We are working with both sides to make sure students' transition is as smooth as possible. Additionally, we have met with all staff individually and discussed their future with Portage DD. Unfortunately, we can't make any guarantees, but we are trying to retain as much of our current staff as possible. 

On Thursday, February 17, Governor DeWine signed HB 51 into law, which included provisions temporarily authorizing public meetings to be held remotely by electronic means. The bill contained an emergency clause, meaning the law would take effect immediately upon the Governor's signature. Board members can attend remotely for March, April, May, and June. OACB (Ohio Association of County Boards) is trying to make this a permanent law.

Program Updates:

  • Brady Lake Park: after much hard work, we have an agreement in place. Work has already begun on preparing the area for soccer and bocce. Additionally, we are thankful for the Franklin Township Trustees who awarded our Special Olympics program $1,500. We are excited for this new partnership to provide new opportunities and improved spaces to our Special Olympics athletes.

  • Station MD Pilot Project: The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) did select us to be a part of this pilot program. I believe we have around 95 people signed up. We have 239 slots, so we have some openings to fill. We are committed to participating in a pilot that would provide free access to 24/7 emergency telehealth services for people with developmental disabilities through StationMD. StationMD is the only physician practice in the United States to deliver comprehensive telemedicine care exclusively to people with developmental disabilities. All their doctors are trained explicitly for treating people with developmental disabilities and related health conditions. StationMD provides 24/7 support and care coordination to people receiving services, families/guardians, and direct support professionals when medical questions, issues, or needs arise. Their specialization and expertise in this type of care and treatment is a unique approach that has proven effective in preventing unnecessary emergency room visits, tests, or hospital admissions.

  • Akron Rotary Camp: we are excited to share that everything is in place for the Akron Rotary Camp is returning in 2022 from June 6 to July 1. They break for the week of the 4th of July and then come back July 11th-July 29th. Ages 6 to 21 and accessible for all eligible kids for our services. Registration started on 3-1-22. 48 campers a week. They sign up for one week at a time. 

Thank you again for your continued support. We are incredibly grateful for all the families, providers, staff, community, and people we serve! Portage DD will continue to strive to meet and exceed your expectations. 



John Vennetti