Message From The Superintendent - April 2021


We hope everyone is doing well! Spring is here, and the weather has improved. Here are some updates on what has gone on in March and some of our work ahead.  

We are in the process of setting up interviews for three new positions. Portage DD developed these positions to improve services for the people we serve. The three new positions will be an IT Specialist, Educational Services Manager, and Community Employment Coordinator. We are hoping to have these three new people join our already excellent staff in May or June. 

Currently, our buildings continue to remain closed to the public, with minimal staff members on-site. The on-site staff's responsibility is to assist with the crucial day-to-day business that cannot be done remotely. 

March was an excellent month for Portage DD as we celebrated DD Awareness month with many great activities planned by our Community and Provider Relations Department. A big Kudos to Michelle Dolensky, Colleen Brown, Karen Hill, Sue Orr, and Kim Holbert from the CPR Department. I also wanted to thank the committee members who organized and planned all these events. Laura Fechter, Colleen Brown, Tim Torch, George Winsen, Candie Burbick, Barb Cooper, Morgan Lopuchovsky, Michelle Dolensky, Ashleigh Lawrence, Tiffany Jones, Eric Larsen, and Jason Survey. I can't thank this team enough for their hard work this past month. Here are some of the activities this group planned:

  • T-shirt give away

  • Bookclub

  • Hike club

  • Movie nights

  • Chalk art

  • Advocacy social dance Party

  • Leeda fun Party

  • Special Olympics fundraiser

  • Game night zoom

  • T-shirt contest

  • Recognition for the people we serve and staff

  • Show your pride weeks

  • OSDA virtual regional meeting

The second half of the school year has been successful at Happy Day School. After some bumps in the road in November and December, due to COVID-19, we have been able to do in-person learning safely and effectively because of the dedication of our outstanding staff, students, and parents. We have a little over two months to go. You are all amazing! Keep it up! 

We continue to work with the Portage County Health District to get our staff and the people we serve vaccinated. We had our first vaccination clinic on Friday, February 5, 2021, at Happy Day School. The Health District had almost 350 people receive their first vaccine shot. Our second vaccine clinic was held on Friday, March 5, 2021, at Happy Day School. The Portage County Health District and the Portage DD staff were outstanding, and the second clinic was even smoother than the first. During the second clinic, we were able to get 40 more people their first shot, and they will get their 2nd shot at the beginning of April. We appreciate the Health Department and the staff that organized the clinic to help keep everyone safe during these difficult circumstances.  

We are all set for our summer camp at Happy Day School. The Portage DD team is very excited to have the summer cap return after missing a year due to the pandemic. Registration is open at The summer camp is funded solely by Portage DD for ages 6-21 that qualify for Portage DD services and is contracted through the Akron Rotary Camp. This year, we will have up to 42 campers a week. In previous years, we averaged around 60 campers. 2021 is modified due to the pandemic. Additionally, we have added two weeks to make this an eight-week camp instead of a six-week camp, and everyone can get at least four weeks and possibly more depending on how many campers register.  

Thank you again for your continued support. We are incredibly grateful for all your assistance! We will get through this together! Portage DD will continue to be available via phone, email, and virtual meeting (ZOOM or TEAMS) as we navigate these unique times together. Portage DD will continue to strive to meet and exceed your expectations. 



John Vennetti