Message From The Superintendent - July 2021


We hope everyone is doing well! Here are the updates.  

There have been no new COVID cases in June. We did, unfortunately, have someone that we had served pass away in June from COVID- 19. This was the first person served who has passed away due to the Coronavirus. The person tested positive in May and battled in the hospital for a few weeks before they passed. Our condolences to their family, friends, and all who knew them. 

Our summer camp at Happy Day School started on June 14th and is going well. The campers are enjoying their experience. A big “Thank You” to the Akron Rotary Camp, who we contract with, for running this program at Happy Day School. 

July 1st is the start of the 2021-2022 Family Support Services Program. As a reminder, the most significant change is the program is no longer based on financial guidelines. Anybody who is eligible for services and doesn’t have a waiver will qualify for the program. Portage DD funds the program and NEON runs the program for us.  

One of the main goals for Portage DD is to create, and improve, services and programs for providers, school districts, families, and the people we serve. Here are some of the things we are currently working on:

  • Support for individuals who need home modifications done. With this in mind, we have contracted with Mark Campo to do home modification consulting with us. This is beneficial when someone needs an accessible bathroom or kitchen.

  • PEERS (Parent, Education, Empowerment, Resources, and Support) program. The PEERS program is being provided to all families that have children eligible at Portage DD. Parent Advocates will assist them if they want this new service. We are in the process of finalizing a contract with Greenleaf Family Center for this program.

  • A Success Coach who will work with the Direct Support Professionals to help them retain their employment by supporting and assisting them when they have concerns. We are in the process of finalizing a contract with Coleman Services to start this initiative.  

  • Provide crisis trainings for providers, our school, families, and possibly other districts. Our Education Services Manager, Vincent Valerio, will be the lead trainer for this program. 

We sent out an RFP (Request for Provider) to work with a provider to develop an emergency respite on-call option. This RFP will run from July 1st-July 30th. The objective of this program is to partner with a provider to hold a spot for someone when or if that emergency occurs. 

Portage DD met with the Franklin Township Trustees on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, to discuss a partnership to fix up Brady Lake Park to hold Special Olympic practices and. The goal of the partnership would be for Soccer, Bocce, and Softball to have a home and to improve the park for the community. We will be sending the Franklin Township Trustees a proposal. 

Portage DD Board meetings are now open to the public to attend in person. We will continue to stream the Board Meetings via Zoom for those that do not want to participate in person.  

Thank you again for your continued support. We are incredibly grateful for all your support! Portage DD will continue to strive to meet and exceed your expectations. 



John Vennetti